Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Life Troubles

Well it has been a really long time since I been here. Mainly because I either forgot I had a blog or school keeps me busy. Whichever comes first to me. So my life has been pretty crazy and mind you I am not a teenager anymore, yet half of my problems seem to be consider "teenage drama".

For starters I been having friend issues. Recently I been invited to go to a party, but I really don't want to go because I am always feeling left out when I come to the party. My friends don't wait for me so they end up ditching me because I am late all the time. I end up waiting for them all the time till they arrive back to who's ever house. To explain my lateness is that my grandma doesn't want me to arrive on time because it makes me look "desperate" or not have a life and wants me to wait till everyone is there. I literally don't mind anymore coming late, but I end up being left out all the time. I hate it and it feels like no one cares. So when I told my boyfriend I didn't want to go he insisted I should just "show up" as a sign of respect to the person that plan the party. Normally I would argue that, but really everyone says I should go no matter what the situation is. Along with that I making some new friends right now and I had an argument with a friend of mine about it. Really? Whats the big deal of making some new friends I am not trying to replace anyone. I just want to make friends that aren't from high school and also so I won't feel left out. I end up having more fun with my other two friends who aren't even a part of that group of friends anymore. Of course I won't tell them that.

Another issue is trying to get my book published. I been rejected so many times that I kind of lost hope in trying to find agents. I am taking a break in finding people and decided to just work on other projects till I get inspired to go hunting again. I also decided to have a job as a freelance writer which I love to do since I'll be able to find jobs and to also work on other stuff. I am writing a short story right now so hopefully I'll get it done by this month.

I signed up to compete in a horse show so this week and next week I'll be praticing for it. I am terrified and nervous, but I just hope I won't have problems.

Anyway I guess thats it for now.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Here

   Well I am new here to this site and also to blogging. I am not quite sure why I am here on the site or what made me try out blogging. Maybe it's due to the fact I watch Sherlock on Netflix and how Watson made a blog. Other could be my cousin has a blog and was curious enough to try.

   Trying a blog for the first time and already I am excited to use it. I love to write fiction stories so I was thinking of also posting short stories in here too. Maybe also talk about what goes on everyday life that I see. Still seems pretty exciting. I hope to have some fun blogging.